Defending Democracy

If voting didn’t change anything, they wouldn’t be trying so hard to stop it!

Our democracy is hanging by a thread and it will take all of us to save it — on election day and beyond! Right-wing representatives are trying to make it more difficult for people to vote in an effort to maintain their grip on power because they know that the majority of people support maintaining our fundamental rights. We believe that ensuring that every person eligible to vote has access to the ballot box is the best way to protect the foundations of democracy. When we elect officials that fight for the interests of our communities and defend our fundamental rights, our democracy will thrive!

Keystone Progress Education Fund is working to increase people’s participation by providing comprehensive voter education and ensuring that everyone eligible has access to voting, either by mail or in-person. We are uniting progressives across movements and amplifying the cross-spectrum work for justice that is threatened by our current electoral system. We believe that every vote counts, and that by working together, we can create a more equitable and just society for all.

Sign up for our email updates and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for up-to-date information about our election expansion work!



  • Spotlight PA: Excellent overviews of how the election works, voting information, the current races, candidates, and more.

  • League of Women Voters, PA: Comprehensive information about the current races and list of candidates.